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Heed the Tale of Hannah and Todd!

Heed the Tale of Hannah and Todd!

The Horrors of Cheap Litter…OH, THE HUMANITY!!!!! If you sat in my office for a week or two, you would be shocked at the stories I hear. But this one will break your heart because a young couple hoped not to break the bank. Picture Hannah, a smile on feet. All bubbly...
Making Room for Kitty (Meow)

Making Room for Kitty (Meow)

Steps a new cat parent can take to make sure the transition is smooth. Getting a new kitten is a wonderful life-changing decision! So what should you consider before you bring your new, little furry. baby home? I’m glad you asked… Litter box You’ll want...
Is Your Cat Overprotective?

Is Your Cat Overprotective?

Cats can be overprotective and aggressive. Here are some good ideas to help. Yes, you read that headline correctly. I know most people rarely see their cats as being anything other than aloof. But an interesting article came across my desk this week that I wanted to...
Manage Spring Shedding Season

Manage Spring Shedding Season

A few steps can make this spring’s shedding season more manageable. An interesting article came my way last week that I wanted to reflect upon. Every time people talk about ‘spring cleaning,’ pet owners know that its time for ‘spring shedding cleaning!’ There are ways...
The Benefits of Grooming

The Benefits of Grooming

Grooming your pets is loving your pets! Bubbles and Bows Pet Grooming gives some general thoughts about why grooming is so important. Why do I do what I do? Because I LOVE ANIMALS! The fact that I can make a career out of loving people’s pets is amazing. So...
Grieving the Loss of a Pet

Grieving the Loss of a Pet

No one wants to think about the loss of a pet if they have not yet experienced this. And if you have experienced this you likely want to forget the experience. Losing a pet is like losing a member of the family. And if there are other pets, they lose a close companion...